Our Experience


The experience I bring to you is very personal.

Organizing and Consigning after the Death of a Loved One

I helped my then 86-year old father navigate the aftermath of losing his companion of 20 years.  I helped him to sort through her belongings and separate items for consignment and donation, as well as earmark heirlooms to be sent back to her family in Florida. Together, we purged and re-organized his home as he adjusted to his new life.  

In Memory of Irene Durocher

In Memory of Irene Durocher

Managing Estate and Fiduciary Duties

Sometimes you don’t know your skills and strengths until they are called upon.  I administered the estates of my mother, my husband, and a beloved uncle.  After coordinating medical and Hospice care, coping with their passing, and organizing memorial services, I served as Executor of their respective estates and gained much experience in navigating the overwhelming legalities and logistics of this process.

Uncle Joe and my children at his NJ Home

Uncle Joe and my children at his NJ Home

Cleaning Out a Home after Someone Passes Away

I managed the complete clean out of my uncle’s home after he passed away -- sorting, purging, selling and donating personal belongings; facilitating an estate sale; coordinating maintenance and repairs; and managing home improvement projects.  I transformed his home into an income property that I manage to this day. I recognize that you are sorting through the belongings of someone’s life, and this requires the requisite respect, discretion and compassion.

How I’ve helped clients.

Research and Problem-Solving for a Senior in a Crisis Situation

I provided research and next steps for a 70+ year old client who is handling the aftermath of a tragic motorcycle accident that left her adult son with a traumatic brain injury.  I helped to demystify the application process for the AZ Long Term Care Medicaid Program, researched bed-to-bed air medical transport from Chicago to Phoenix, identified long-term skilled nursing facilities, uncovered strategies to comply with residency requirements, identified an advantageous financial trust instrument, and vetted a list of people to serve as resources for my client as she navigates the next several months.

Helped a Senior Who Was Overwhelmed by Clutter

I worked with a senior gentleman who was feeling overwhelmed by the clutter and disorganization of several spaces in his home.  I helped him make tough decisions about what to keep, discard and donate.  This was an emotional process for him since he felt an attachment to many memories and files from his life and career as an attorney. 

Assistance in the Aftermath of a Serious Injury

I helped a single dad cope with the aftermath of a serious skiing accident that left him hospitalized and in rehab for months.  I helped him organize his medical bills and insurance paperwork, make payments, facilitate his short-term disability application, manage medical equipment issues, and coordinate his ongoing medical and physical therapy appointments.  In addition, I assisted with the transition and organization of work files to his home office and many logistics issues pertaining to his 5-year-old son, including having the school district bus route changed to accommodate easier drop offs/pick ups.

Helped a Woman Following Surgery 

I helped a woman who needed assistance with important errands following a surgery that prevented her from driving.  She said that she felt “very awkward” not being able to do these things for herself but appreciated how comfortable I made her feel.  Sometimes it’s the smallest things that make the biggest difference.


I am Lynn’s Dad.  Of course, I have only good things to say!  In addition to her lifelong love and support, she helped me more “professionally” when my companion of 20 years passed away suddenly.  Lynn worked tirelessly to help me organize my home, sort items for consignment and donation, and navigate life without my partner. 


Joe Catanzaro
Resident, Scottsdale Ranch Park
Veteran, United States Army
Retired CPA/Chief Financial Officer

Lynn has been our neighbor and friend for the past 15 years.  Our children grew up together. Her late husband, Glenn, was our friend.  Several months after Glenn’s passing, our families traveled to Brazil and facilitated a dental care mission for children in a small village on the banks of the Amazon.  This was an amazing experience and a way to channel our grief into something positive and impactful.  We hold Lynn in the highest esteem for her compassion, energy and kindness.  

Dr. Caren Hull, DDS
Dr. Bryan Hull, Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic