A concierge service tailored to seniors and their families.

Your Wits’ End is Where We Begin.




Reclaim time.


Reduce stress.


Restore balance.


Are you a Senior who needs support managing your home and personal affairs?

We understand how important it is to remain independent, in control, and AT HOME.  However, as an aging adult, you may need a little assistance managing your day-to-day. Let a personal concierge empower you to manage your life. 

Together, we can do this!


Are you squeezed between caring for your family and caring for a senior?

Most of us, at one time or another, will find ourselves in the Sandwich Generation – simultaneously caring for our children and caring for our aging parents. Coupled with other responsibilities, the situation can easily overwhelm.

Let a personal concierge partner with you to ensure the well-being of your loved ones.


Do you need to downsize or manage an estate sale?

Most of life’s biggest stressors occur during times of change. Are you tasked with helping a loved one downsize or transition to assisted living? Packing up someone’s life and legacy is an emotional rollercoaster that requires great organization, resources and compassion. If a loved one has passed away you may need to organize an estate sale, manage the sale of a home, or consider turning your inheritance into an income property. Let an experienced concierge help you to facilitate this process.


Are you or a loved one coping with a terminal illness?

If you or a loved one are coping with a terminal illness and palliative care, our services can free you from the burden of managing your household and navigating this process – allowing you to spend precious time with your loved ones.

Let a personal concierge handle the details so that you can be present and focused on what matters most.

Coping with an injury or illness?

We all need support when the unexpected happens. There is never a good time for an injury or illness, and rarely have we planned for this.  Yet, life doesn’t stop -- the bills, the shopping, the errands, the family’s needs, the loose ends.

Let a personal concierge help you to navigate times of crisis and tie up those loose ends.


A loved one passed away - now what?

After the death of a loved one, there are so many questions and the logistics are overwhelming.  The memorial service, the notifications, the phone calls, the paperwork, the legal issues, the estate, the frustration – and all of this needs to be handled while coping with grief and uncertainty.

Let a personal concierge help you manage this time of turmoil.


The Only Constant in Life is Change.”

— Heraclitus

Simplify your life.